8/7/2020 Press Conference on COVID-19 Updates

On August 7th, Governor Baker gave a press conference to provide a COVID-19 update on Testing, Hospitalizations, Postponing Step 2 of Phase 3, Restaurant Guidance, and the new COVID Enforcement and Intervention Team.

Here is the summary.


  • Yesterday, there were 11,555 tests reported with 162 new positive cases reported. 

    • The seven day average for positive test rates is about 2.1%. 

  • Over the past several days, MA has seen an uptick in the percentage of new positive cases. There will be close monitoring of these cases to determine the factors that are causing the increase.

    • There have been several reports of big parties in some communities including Falmouth, Chatham, Winthrop, and Wrentham to name a few.

    • The Administration will begin reporting additional town by town data starting next Wednesday, on a weekly basis, that shows the spread of COVID-19 at the community level.

  • Please continue to wear face coverings, practice good handwashing/hygiene, disinfect surfaces, and social distance. 

  • The Administration will be extending the ‘Stop the Spread’ Targeted Free COVID-19 Testing Sites in the 17 communities through September 12th and will prepare to expand into other communities.


  • As of yesterday, there are currently just over 403 individuals hospitalized as a result of COVID-19, and 73 of those individuals are in the ICU. 

    • The three-day average number of patients in the hospital is 384. 

  • Please do not hesitate to contact your health care provider about any concerns you may have, COVID-19 related or not. Telehealth is currently a covered benefit in MA that will be extended to cover all residents until at least the end of the calendar year.

Postponing Step 2 of Phase 3

  • Due to the uptick in positive cases in MA, the Administration is indefinitely postponing Step 2 of Phase 3 in the Reopening process.

  • 5 weeks ago, the Administration laid out new economic sectors that can open in Phase 3. This uptick in cases and reports of people not adhering to the guidance means that we cannot move forward at this time or anytime soon.

  • Today, the Governor is signing a new executive order that will reduce the limit on outdoor gatherings from 100 to 50 people effective Tuesday, August 11th. The inside gathering limit will remain at 25. Folks attending outdoor gatherings must ensure that guests maintain 6 feet of social distance and face coverings are required. 

    • This guidance has been extended to apply to all types of venues on both public and private property.

Update on Restaurant Guidance

  • Alcoholic beverages may only be served for onsite consumption if accompanied by food that has been prepared onsite. 

  • Today, Governor Baker is authorizing all state and local police officers to enforce these orders and those who violate these orders will be subject to fines.

COVID Enforcement and Intervention Team

  • This new team will be charged with two main tasks: ramping up enforcement in key communities and coordinating local intervention efforts at the local level and high-risk communities. 

  • Communities will be designated as higher risk COVID-19 communities based on public health data. 

    • The Administration will announce the higher risk communities next week.

  • The Team will identify higher-risk communities that we can work with collaboratively to help them deal with their outbreaks.

  • The Team will also work to prepare other resources for high-risk communities including public messaging and local government support.